Once again you have clicked that most improbable button in your internet browser that links you this to site, expecting a detailed voyeuristic essay of my life which unfortunately Facebook is not suited well for. Gladly, I provide.
It is with a Cassandra-type exhibitionist mindset that i write these reports, hoping secretly to dominate the world through my charms and spread the ideas of autolatry. There is also something about recording down your precious moments, whether it is watching your level 50 Lapras perform a recumbentibus on the opponent's Zapdos, or the many acts of sphallolalia with teenage girls online. Of course, viewers who know me would know that I do not do any of these.
Okay, enough with all the moonshining and long words, the only reason why i wrote this essay is cause some people apparently read regularly all the crap that i come up with and they have requested for more crap to read.
Nah the real real reason is cause I think that its important to keep track of your life in periodic episodes so that as my memory which is already deteriorating deteriorates, I will still remember who I was, or at least have an indication of what I was feeling at this point in my life. It is scary to forget who you were, it feels like you have lost yourself.
I've come to the realisation that I've been exposed to a large variety of media recently. I shall give a list of reviews.
Transformers : DSOFTM
Okay lor. Girl not hot enough.
Green lanturn
Okay lor. Girl not hot enough.
La Noire
Okay lor. (Dead)Girl not hot enough.
Pokemon Black
Okay lor. (Pokemon that looks like a)Girl not hot enough.
Aiya, you get the idea.
Okay but seriously, Transformers is freaking awesome and I'm waiting for people to watch Imax 3d with. Its a MUST WATCH. Like [Avatar] and [P̄hī tāh̄wān kạb xācāry̒ tā bǒ].
Green lanturn is okay but feels like power rangers, and La Noire is not my type of game (I don't wanna be a goody shoes detective! I just wanna blow things up!).
So recently, I have been working on a mathematical problem called the Collatz Conjecture, and i know I risk turning people off but this is really really interesting. Its like a game.
Games states,
Start with any number,
1)if its even divide it by 2, if its odd times 3 to it and add one.
Repeat (1)
For the number 28, this leads to the following,
The Collatz conjecture states that no matter which number you start out with, you'll eventually get to 1.
The trick is to prove it for all numbers and its been almost a hundred years but up to now, no one can. I know I probably can't, just playing around with it for fun. Its my pastime.
Ok next news, I've went out with Gabriel Elmo and Fendy today. Nice to just hang out and ogle at girls. The author is a little ashamed at getting to evade NS and not suffer hell like they do, but what methinks is that they would rather go through hell than lose their hair.
Also, I've been working on the Battle subway thing with Kenneth and we are using hacked Pokemon. (OMFGWTFAYD!!) But seriously, there's no other way of beating it.
And by the way, bought Legend of Zelda:Ocarina of Time 3ds. Gonna try it out soon. By almost all accounts flawless, I'll see if the remake lives up to its fame.
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