Friday, May 29, 2009

Pooling with class...

Okay went to watch night at the museum 2 with class. Then went to play pool. Pics are on facebook, but i'll post them here anyway.

I look noob. Perfect hustling skills.

Another dunno-how-to-rack racker... Hahaha.. Then after she tried for a while i got it and racked it in half a millisecond. Too good.

Members of the TPA what style is this? Closed bridge, never bend low and aim low.

Proper follow through! Haha i look cool in this picture. And behind me the semi cute girl is Cassandra with a impressed but dun want to admit it look.

Classic example of "i can shoot better with a rest cause i dunno how to bridge" mentality.

Erm... Pool is meant to be cool.Try harder =X

Monday, May 18, 2009


Walau 3/2 years never had an examination already. almost forgot how it feels like. Okay la not as tense as playing pool for 10 bucks a game. I think its more pressure to do well then nervousness.

So ya had first paper today. MT and GP. Mt was easy. GP was easier. Topic was on porn. If all goes well should be able to score. Tomorrow is econs. No shit just be confident.

Realized that its been a super long time since i did any maths on this blog.

A simple result from graph theory states that given any non self-intersecting graph (not the y=f(x) graph, another kind of graph which has vertices, lines and nodes),

nodes + regions = lines + 2

This is basically a sort of graph. It has 6 nodes, 7 lines and 3 regions (2 insides and 1 outside)

Since nodes + regions = lines + 2
We have 6 + 3 = 7 + 2

Thus the formula is correct in this case.

It is not difficult to prove, by mathematical induction, that this formula always works for any graph you can draw.

Hint: let nodes be the variable and prove Pn for 1 node, then prove that for n=k nodes, the formula also holds for n=k+1 nodes.