Sunday, July 6, 2008

I'm so sorry but I'm really pissed off.

I don't see what the fuss is about. You catch them, they die. You cut off their fins and throw them back, they die. Both ways, we murder them for food. Too bad but well, we gotta eat right.

When we throw sharks with their fins cut off back into the water and leave them to die, we say its cruel and we spend millions of dollars protesting against it. But when we see a bull suffering nerve damage and internal bleeding from the toxin of a snake's bite, we say "Oh no we can't help the bull cause its all part of nature and we mustn't interfere, Oh see how the bull eventually suffocates and dies? Thats such a beautiful part of nature isn't it?"

Since when did we become God and not part of nature as well?

And those who say that shark's fin is worthless as an ingredient because it has little taste obviously know little about food and cooking. When working with foods like meat and seafood, the most important part of the ingredient is not the taste, but the texture. In fact, most of the taste of the dish comes from the sauce or seasoning or whatever you call it. Which is why it is so important that your fish is not too "stiff" and your meat can only be cooked medium-rare to have the best "bite".

As for shark's fin the amazing thing is how the glutens in the fin thicken the soup while cooking. Thus avoiding traditional soup thickeners like cornstarch which ultimately, produces a much more superior texture and consistency. Add that to the super rich broth of conpoy and other premium delights, plus the sweet taste and indescribable bite of the fins that just tickles your taste buds, and you have what i believe is the best soup in chinese cuisine.

Well,a good soup is good enough to kill for.

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